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重点大学 has a zero tolerance for alcohol policy violations. A student’s presence where any aspect of the Student Alcohol Policy is being violated, even if he/she is not directly involved in the specific act constitutes a violation of the Student Alcohol Policy. 积极主动的学生, 或被动地, supports another’s violation of College policy is in violation of their duty to uphold community standards, 包括《学生行为准则.
The College recognizes that there are serious health risks, 行为问题, 以及与虐待有关的法律后果, 不负责任的使用, 和/或非法饮酒. 因此, all members of the campus community are expected to understand that alcohol use is inconsistent with the mission of the College. 所有学生都应遵守当地的规定, state and federal laws along with the Student Alcohol Policy of 重点大学.
All alleged violations of the Student Alcohol Policy will be referred to a formal meeting with the Coordinator of Student Conduct or to an All-College Student Conduct Board hearing. 违反这一政策的行为是累积性的. If a student is found to be in violation of the Student Alcohol Policy, 最低限度的制裁可能包括, 但不限于:
- 300美元的罚款 (to be reduced to $50 upon completion of all other sanctions within the specified period of time. Paying the $300 fine is not a substitution for completing all sanctions)
- Meeting with a College Counselor for two sessions of the “BASICS” program
- 通知父母
- Other sanctions imposed at the discretion of the Coordinator of Student Conduct
- 150美元的罚款
- 完成《Under the Influence》在线课程
- 留校察看
- 宿舍警告(如果是住校学生)
- 通知父母
- Other sanctions imposed at the discretion of the Coordinator of Student Conduct
- 300美元的罚款
- 宿舍停课(如果是住校学生)
- Possible suspension for a minimum of the balance of the current semester
- Third-Party evaluation at student’s expense (at the discretion of the Coordinator of Student Conduct)
- 通知父母
- Other sanctions imposed at the discretion of the Coordinator of Student Conduct
- 被学院开除
- 通知父母
A. 开罐
重点大学 does not permit the use of open or empty alcoholic beverage canisters for any reason (decorative or otherwise) on campus. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be sanctioned under the College’s alcohol policy. This includes all cans, bottles, 杯 and other drinking paraphernalia.
B. 怀疑饮酒
If a College Official smells alcohol emanating from a student’s person, 任何宿舍房间, 或大学校园内的任何其他地点, 或者找到空的酒精容器, the student will be found in violation of the Student Alcohol Policy. This also provides the College with sufficient probable cause to search the student’s room (or area involved) for alcohol.
C. 校外聚会/派对
重点大学 recognizes that students above the legal drinking age of 21 are allowed to responsibly obtain, consume and possess alcohol in off-campus properties not associated or leased by the College. In cases where students are cited and/or arrested by local law enforcement for furnishing, 提供, 或者卖酒给未成年人, the student will be immediately placed on disciplinary probation and social probation until a formal meeting or student conduct board hearing can be held.
D. 21岁及以上保单
1. One (1) 750ml bottle of wine or one (1) six-pack of beer per student is permitted at the student activity at any given time.
2. Drinks are permitted to be consumed in clear containers only; no red solo cups, 杯, 或者啤酒桶/啤酒球.
3. ID must be presented when asked for or at registration/check-in table.
4. Alcoholic beverages are only allowed in the 21 designated areas. There will be zero tolerance of any alcohol consumption outside of this area.
5. 学生 may not display or consume alcohol in outside areas surrounding the determined location. This includes, but is not limited to: porches, lawns, sidewalks, vehicles and parking areas.
6. If there is any indication that alcohol is being misused by one or more persons at the location, 这将被视为不负责任的使用. 最终, evidence of a policy violation will be based on the quantity of alcohol present, as well as the activity (or intended activity) occurring at that time.
7. 饮酒游戏是严格禁止的.
8. The Office of Residence Life and the Office of 校园 Safety reserve the right to conduct compliance searches at any given time.
9. Any student that is visibly intoxicated may be found in violation of the policy.
10. Alcohol poisoning is a serious problem; should any student show signs of alcohol poisoning, the proper authorities must be contacted immediately.
11. 学生 must not operate a vehicle while intoxicated.
12. Intoxication and impairment begins with the first drink.
13. Reasonable suspicion of furnishing to minors will result in immediate revocation of privilege to be in the designated areas or to be at the student activity.